Fast Response Deadline for Winter Cohort: December 15, 2024 Apply Now


What Our Writers Say

“Pocket MFA has been invaluable to me. Robert was a perfect mentor, who really meshed with my own unique writing style. On top of that, everyone in our group was incredibly thoughtful, kind, and inquisitive. It was truly a blast seeing everyone each week and learning at a breakneck pace. The bar has been set high for future writing groups I may join…
I feel more confident than ever in my writing, and I have a tangible sense of progress in both my academic understanding of prose writing, and creative fire when it comes to my personal projects.”
Matthew M.
Fall Cohort 2023
“The program really allowed me to regain a writer’s community and confidence in my abilities. This has been really invaluable to me… I feel like a real writer. Finally.”
Phillapa H.
Fall Cohort 2023
“My approach to writing has been completely transformed after working with Cynthia. The readings and prompts got me to think about writing a poem the same way I think about making a collage or a painting, treating language as I would any medium, responding to what is does rather than willing it into place… I’m grateful to have met and worked with such a talented group of poets. I learned so much from them and hope to stay connected with them all.”
Tim N.
Spring & Fall Cohorts 2023
“I learned to defend my writing, to believe it is good and to resist critiques that felt as if they might be undermining. I also gained some distance from the memoir, such that I could incorporate the suggestions made in workshop in a way that was useful to me. I gained a new critical position on my work which is helping me move on to think in more detail about the book as a whole… Briana Gwinn is an incredibly caring, sensitive and supportive mentor, who brings the expertise she has developed as an editor for Milkweed Press to bear on workshop discussions, exercises, and participants’ writing. She offers specific suggestions for improvement that are on target and extremely useful.”
Elsie M.
Fall Cohort 2023
“I found a writing partner who I connect with professionally and personally. I have validation that my style and work has merit. I committed to myself and stuck with it…. We all developed a longitudinal understanding of each other’s work and process. I felt inspired and supported, and I made a new friend.”
Maria M.
Fall Cohort 2023
“It has helped me to find my voice again and trust my instincts as a poet. It has helped me connect with other poets from different backgrounds and perspectives. Reading and analyzing the work of other poets has helped sharpen my ear and poetic sensibilities. Cynthia’s reading and instruction has given me a fresh way to approach poetry… I was so impressed with the caliber of writers in the program and often wondered if it was a mistake that I was there. Everyone was so encouraging, accomplished, and intelligent.”
Janet O.
Fall Cohort 2023
“It has been meaningful to discover a community of writers committed to the pursuit of the same passions I am, and who are familiar with the endemic frustrations and pratfalls… My interactions with my mentor and her reaction to my writing sample shook me, but also allowed me to achieve a clear vision of what needs to happen with my ms. I am grateful for the experience.”
Ciahnan D.
Fall Cohort 2023
“Participation trained me to be a better reader as other writers’ perspectives broadened my pov. I learned to support and give text-based feedback vs bias/habitual thinking feedback. The readers read work closely and gave beneficial feedback. I write with assurance regarding my strengths and areas to develop… I knew I was a strong writer but the program participants spelled out the strengths and why they impact readers. Therefore, I continue my craft with awareness of impact. Also, readers were moved by my project topic and how I handled it, so I proceed with urgency, a desire to get it done and out into the world. I can’t wait to thank everyone in my acknowledgements page!”
Kate G.
Fall Cohort 2023
“Francesca Lia Block is a mentor who genuinely cares about the craft and art of writing creative fiction. Her passion inspires and motivates, and it is this enthusiasm that feeds the creative fire in others… After receiving feedback from my cohorts and mentor, I feel confident that my work is considerably improved, and I have no doubt that I’ll be able to produce a finished work product of which I can be proud.”
Angelo E.
Fall Cohort 2023
“Cynthia is an extraordinary poet and mentor. Her class introduced new ways of approaching poetry. I was encouraged to imagine a “smart” reader and trust them to understand the work. That allowed me to subtract unnecessary explanatory lines and endings from my work. A previous workshop had insisted on added details and linear narrative, which felt foreign to me. This program brought me closer to my natural voice.”
Pamela S.
Fall Cohort 2023
“The learning experiences had during my time and while working with the group have, I believe, helped me grow tremendously towards my truest potential as a writer by helping me improve my communication within relational dynamics that have then translated to me being able to draw inspiration continuously from my experiences in all areas of my life… I loved this program, this opportunity, this experience. It has been transformative for me and my development, in writing and beyond.”
Shiraz Anand S.
Summer Cohort 2023
“This program provided the supportive space I needed to stay focused on my novel. I appreciated the feedback method used and the insights gained from my peers because of that method. Everything helped me see the bigger picture of my novel as well as helped me honed in on aspects of my novel in my blindspot. This program reinspired me… I felt stuck before PocketMFA and wasn’t sure how to move forward with my novel. In the end, I felt inspired and like I had a greater understanding of how to write a novel and how, specifically, to tackle my particular story.”
Katy W.
Summer Cohort 2023
“The program continually invigorated me. It encouraged me to write & view myself as a writer. My group was expertly put together and revealed writers of a variety of genres which kept the readings fresh & interesting… I made more progress with my writing in this environment than I ever have in a variety of playwriting labs I have been accepted into.”
Sharon G.
Summer Cohort 2023
“I think the most meaningful experience I had during this program was being in constant communication and community with other writers. It offered a different kind of community than say just a writer’s group. I really loved that… If anything, I think this program and the feedback from both my mentor and peers affirmed my “work” in the world which is writing and teaching others about writing. I was often asked by my peers in our exchange of pages for writing thoughts and that felt really affirming to me that the writing life IS where I’m supposed to be.”
Jade E.
Summer Cohort 2023
“It gave me a real boost of confidence… Robert Eversz has a kind way of digging deep into what is working and what isn’t – truly a valuable style. After our interactions I was motivated to write. Wow!”
Jeri H.
Summer Cohort 2023
“It was very helpful to receive feedback from other writers and to read the variety of works produced by others. I had a really positive experience working with my mentor, and discussing with other writers about my work, and it all felt very encouraging. The program helped me reflect better on my own writing through reading craft books, close reading of texts and asking questions. It gave me a better direction on how to improve my writing and use the resources available. I love how it is personalized and small group, so we can direct our own learning. It really pushed me to be better and motivate me to keep going… My development as a writer has definitely improved a lot throughout this program, and I think I need to continue developing the goals that I have set in my writing contract. I feel more conscious of the decisions I take in my writing so it helps me be more focused. I definitely have improved my world-building and I am more conscious of pacing, but it is still something I think I need to keep working on. I think I have a better sense of direction as well how to improve and reflect on my writing.”
Wanying Z.
Spring Cohort 2023
“This program allowed me to reinvest in my writing. When you spend so much time writing alone, and sharing with no one, the isolation can make your work feel meaningless. Getting to immerse myself in a space with other creatives was incredibly helpful and reignited my love for writing. It was also such an honor to read the work of others… I feel confident in my writing and my project again after getting positive feedback from others. I feel like this work has meaning and I am so excited to keep writing. This program helped me realize I am moving in the right direction with this project.”
Jordan L.
Spring Cohort 2023
“The program pushed me to develop a more consistent practice and expanded my view on what is possible for my project… I was not sure exactly how to improve my work before PocketMFA. I felt as though I was minimally effective in my growth as a writer. I knew the value of reading extensively and reading well but that was the only tool I used. I did not have a specific list of areas to improve or ideas for approaching the task. I do now, and that is all thanks to the incredible mentorship and support I received throughout the program. In addition to the areas that need to be expanded upon in my work, there are tools I can use to do so and I am experimenting with the overall form of my work, from the high level.”
Jasmine H.
Spring Cohort 2023
“I‘ve gained a greater sense of the variety components I need to include in any given essay to keep the writing process interesting to me. I’ve discovered how to allow my juxtaposition of seemingly disparate ideas to lead the other facets of my writing, including character development and story arc. This discovery has allowed the structure of my essays to arise organically, in contrast to the more top down approach of organization I relied upon at the beginning of the program. Where I thought I was striving for organization I found inspired cohesion. I have several essays in-progress and am excited to continue, especially given Briana Gwinn’s confidence in my writing and encouragement to submit my current essay ASAP to several journals that seem like a good fit… I’ve made clear steps toward freeing myself to write what may (or may not) become creative non-fiction essays, as opposed to a fictional memoir. I thought I would reach into, and organize, my archive of texts and images during the program. I did to some extent. However, the material I’ve generated anew is what is most exciting to me. It is more vulnerable and closer to a sense of urgency than what I’d created prior to the program. I‘ve gained a greater sense of the variety components I need to include in any given essay to keep the writing process interesting to me. This is due in part to the great reading suggestions made by Briana Gwinn. Most importantly, I’ve discovered how to allow my juxtaposition of seemingly disparate ideas to lead the other facets of my writing, including character development and story arc. This discovery has allowed the structure of my essays to arise organically, in contrast to the more top down approach of organization I relied upon at the beginning of the program. Where I thought I was striving for organization I found inspired cohesion. I have several essays in-progress and am excited to continue editing them.”
Pen W.
Spring Cohort 2023
“This program gave me room to explore deep creative depths in a safe, encouraging environment. This program gave me a chance to work through different stages of drafts I found myself stuck on. The level of professionalism from peers, instructors and administration has created a highly functional program for writers to thrive… For a serious writer, this course is essential in learning to work with serious deadlines, hold in-depth discussions on craft with industry professionals and take in feedback on work.”
Michelle H.
Spring Cohort 2023
“Participating in the PocketMFA program not only gave me the creative community I desperately needed after writing in isolation for four years, but also the resources (and anchor texts) to push me as an artist. Though the phrase teeters on trite, it rings true to what I experienced in the program: I felt seen (more so than in any other structured writing experience I’ve had over the past ten years)… I am more confident about my voice and vision. The ultimate structure of my mss (CNF collection) is more clear as are the weaknesses of my current drafts. I feel much more empowered (and excited!) to move forward to complete my mss and now have the tools to do so.”
Amy B.
Spring Cohort 2023